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The 5 wounds of Christ and the 5 marks of Catholic schools by Michelle Tan

This June, the Church gives us two great feasts celebrating the amazing love of Christ for all of us: theSolemnities of the Body and Blood of Christ or Corpus Christi on June 2, and the Solemnity of the Most SacredHeart of Jesus on June 7. During this June school holidays, 13th century Franciscan St. Bonaventure […]

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Experiencing God’s Grace: The Mystery of the Holy Mass By Fr Shaun Lim

In the Gospel of John chapter 6, we hear how Jesus would feed the five thousand with five barley loavesand two fish. This miracle is also found in the synoptic gospels. But a detail unique to John’s Gospel (not found inthe other gospels) is that the offering of bread and fish was said to be […]

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Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin

Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin was a teacher and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Anne, which focused on educating poor country children, both girls and boys in the same schools, challenging traditional gender norms and promoting education for all. … Source: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Early years Marie-Anne Blondin was born Esther Blondin […]

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Embracing God’s Graces in the Teaching Vocation By Marie Therese Pang

Marie Therese Pang reflects on how our teaching profession is a life-giving one, and how God’s unconditional love is an invitation and a model to us, to love and value our students in the same way. … The greatest joy of teaching comes from the personal connections formed with my students. It gives me great […]

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Revisiting the Sacrament of Reconciliation By – Fr Joseph Stephen CSsR

In Singapore, we are very blessed to have Penitential Services organised in all parishes and Catholic schools. Rev Fr Joseph Stephen, CSsR, parish priest of the Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Ipoh, Malaysia laments on the dwindling numbers of children and youth who present themselves for confessions during Lent. … Lent is here […]

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A New Beginning By Kelvin Koh

Forgiveness. A new beginning. A clean slate. As we enter the second month of 2024, and also prepare for the upcoming Lunar New Year, perhaps we too can challenge ourselves to forgive … Ralph looked up in disbelief at what he had heard. Could this be his chance for change? After five years in the […]

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Reflection on Cardinal’s Homily by Jonathan Hee of CJC

Cardinal’s homily during the Commencement of School Year Mass struck me when he spoke about leaders teaching with their being. He referenced Moses and how he journeyed, suffered, and tolerated the people of Israel throughout their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. Moses even offered himself to take punishment from God for the wrongful […]

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A New Year, New Beginnings By Sylvia Chua

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. What do people really get for all their hard work? As the Church goes into Ordinary Time, it is fitting to revisit Sylvia Chua’s reflection on Ecclesiastes 3: 1-13. … A time to be born and a time to die. A time […]

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Celebrating Emmanuel God with Us by Seminarian Bro Kenneth Tham

At the beginning of every school year, there would be that sense of freshness and newness. New beginnings, new classes, and new students. Accompanying this freshness would be an air of uncertainty of what the new year would bring. Perhaps some of us have taken on new portfolios and responsibilities, some of us may be […]

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“Laugh: It’s Christmas!” Reflections by Nick Chui, a Catholic Educator

So for the new school year, educator Nick Chui encourages teachers to laugh with their students. Crack jokes. Don’t worry if they don’t always laugh back. Or if they roll their eyes and go “lame”. They will eventually. And they will thank you for it. And you will thank yourself. Because your “Hope is built […]

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Our Journey Towards The Infant Jesus

Who more than Mary could be a star of hope for us? With her “yes” she opened the door of our world to God himself; she became the living Ark of the Covenant, in whom God took flesh, became one of us, and pitched his tent among us.” [Pope Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi (On Christian […]

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Peace be Upon You

This week, we light the second Advent candle – the candle symbolising peace. In Donna Koh’s article titled ‘Peace be Upon You’, she reflects on the meaning of “home” in a world where people move far, far away for a multitude of reasons. She shares how love, joy, and hope seeped through the cracks of […]

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Lights of hope in the darkness

Last week we lit the first Advent candle – the candle symbolising hope. Michelle Tan reflects on hope. She makes a case that the light of hope cannot shine in the darkness unless fuelled by faith. Revisit the Parable of the Wise and Foolish bridesmaids (Matthew 25: 1 – 13) to learn how we can […]

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Praying with the Advent Wreath

The symbolism of the Advent wreath lies in the tension between light and darkness, waiting for the coming of the Messiah, the light of the world. The progressive lighting of the candles each week symbolises the expectation and hope surrounding our Lord’s first coming into the world and the anticipation of His second coming to […]

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God’s Unfading Glory – Hope Amidst Darkness

During Advent 2021, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, then Bro. Simon Ho reflected on the source of our hope amidst the darkness. He reminded us to “live in a way that makes others, our colleagues and our students, wonder wherein lies the source of our hope.” Two years on, we are now in […]

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Discerning God’s Voice Amidst the Noise of Human Desires

Felicia Kuo reflects on how the hustle and noise of societal expectations and comparisons can draw us away from the one voice that patiently awaits us – God’s. She invites us to make time and space for God to help us to hear Him more loudly and clearly. … In the cacophony of our busy […]

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Seeking God’s Guidance in Education

Marie-Therese Pang shares about how her encounter with a young pupil facing difficulties in his life helped her to realise the difference being in a Catholic school, and being a Catholic educator, can make. … When I was doing my teaching internship programme in a Catholic school, one of my students told me that he […]

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Homily: Listen

“…listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts” (Psalm 95.8) These words are in fact from the responsorial psalm on 10 September 2023, the day our diocese celebrated Catholic Education Sunday. Whether we are a student or an educator, a parent or a parishioner, they remind us whose voice must ultimately matter to us: the […]

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Catholic schools: seedbeds for saints-next-door

Catholic educator SYLVIA CHUA reflects on how Catholic schools can become fertile seedbeds, nurturing the saints of today and tomorrow. “A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person and a good Catholic school, over and above all this, should help all of its students to become saints.” (Pope Benedict XVI, The Holy […]

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Windows into the Soul By Ann Ang

“Anyone who has looked upon the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help will notice her eyes so sadly sweet,” gazing at us, while the child Jesus turns his upon the cross that one of the angels is carrying. Eyes are the windows into the soul, as many would say, but to encounter Our Blessed […]

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Mary: Our Mother and Teacher

In her reflection, Shirley Tan makes a case on how Catholic teachers can learn from Mother Mary to be like a nourishing and bountiful mother to our students. It is no wonder that ‘alma mater’ in Latin, literally means nourishing and bountiful mother. … In the paper on the “Catholic Education in Singapore: Core Values, […]

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Unless you become like little children. (Matthew 18:3)

Nick Chui revisits an occasion in school which presented him with a teachable moment to expound to his students his belief that there is no dichotomy between faith and reason. Nick models the adage that unless one is filled with the living water, one would not be able to be living water to others. … […]

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Relearning to Question

Timothy Wong shares his struggles with doubt and accountability. He reflects on his journey of darkness and hurt, and how he emerged stronger in the light, having relearnt to question. … About a month ago, I found myself at Esplanade watching a play that I wasn’t sure I was ready to deal with. Set in […]

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Loving in Communion with the Holy Trinity: An Educator’s Perspective

Benjamin Gan muses on how teachers can mirror the love of the Holy Trinity. His poignant sharing on a recent incident when he chased a troubled boy up the staircase of a nearby HDB block after he ran away from school, exemplifies how we can live a life that reflects the communion of the Holy […]

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The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

St Paul wrote to the Galatians about the nine principle traits of a person or community living in accord with the Holy Spirit: “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” (5:22-23) These attributes, coming from the Holy Spirit, reveal what God is like. Those who exhibit […]

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Young Teachers Receive National Award for Outstanding Dedication

Last Friday, 7 July, six young teachers received the Outstanding Youth in Education Award (OYEA) from Second Minister for Education, Dr Maliki Osman, at the National Institute of Education (NIE) Teachers’ Investiture Ceremony. Three of them were from Catholic schools: Ms Shobana D/O Sreetharan, 29, Holy Innocents’ Primary School; Ms Khairunnisa Binte Ismail, 30, St […]

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Gifts of the Holy Spirit

As Pentecost approaches, we reflect on how the Holy Spirit empowers us to hear God’s voice and heed His promptings in our lives. The Prophet Isaiah spoke of the coming of the Messiah, who would be empowered by the Spirit of the Lord.

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Nourishing Mother

The common term for a school or university that you have graduated from is alma mater, Latin for “nourishing mother”. Is your school a loving mother to you? How can you help create a nourishing environment for your school community?

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Commencement of School Year Homily – Part 3: Servant Leaders

Those of you who are educators, don’t forget to feel for the weakest students. Educators, please, don’t just teach. You need to focus on our Lord. You need to acquire the heart of Jesus, the wisdom of Jesus.

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The Catholic School and a Culture of Dialogue

A school is a community of learning where students of various talents and backgrounds can grow together in harmony, imbibing cultural and scientific knowledge while honing their personal skills and discerning their paths in life.

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Commencement of School Year Homily – Part 2: Living with Integrity

What we believe is what we teach, and what we teach is how we live. Consistency. Integrity of life. It is very important that as educators, we form more young people to be people of integrity, believing in righteousness.

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The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium

The Catholic school is to be “a school for all” while maintaining its “ecclesial identity”, “a genuine instrument of the Church, a place of real and specific pastoral ministry.”

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Commencement of School Year Homily – Part 1: Forming Virtuous Students

Beatitudes is a compound word, of the “Be Attitudes” – what are your attitudes in life? Your attitudes in life will determine how you respond to situations, how you look at life, and how you live your life positively, meaningfully.

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Total Defence: The Armour of God

Total Defence Day emphasises that every sector of society is vital to the defence of the nation. Likewise, in the spiritual life, we have various means of defence against the wiles of the devil and temptations of this world.

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Lay Catholics in School: Witnesses to Faith

Throughout history, men and women in the Catholic Church have devoted their lives to educating the young. Over time, the role of lay Catholic teachers has grown. On this day in 1982, the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education produced a document entitled “Lay Catholics in Schools: Witnesses to Faith”, observing that “every person who contributes to integral human formation is an educator; but teachers have made integral human formation their very profession”.

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Nationwide Study on Building Strong Families in Singapore

Catholic Family Life (CFL) is conduction a survey, entitled “Building Strong Families in Singapore”, which aims to help social service providers better understand families’ journeys, the realities of families at different life stages, and the current resources available to support families.

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Vatican II’s Declaration on Christian Education

The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican is known for producing several documents on various aspects of the Church and Christian life. In total, there are sixteen documents, among which is the Declaration on Christian Education, Gravissimum educationis, promulgated in October 1965. In a study and discussion guide on the declaration, Aquinas College in Nashville, […]

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Teachers Receive Highest Honour for Excellence in Education

Ms Tay Hui Cheng of St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School (SACSS) was one of eight recipients and Mr Kok Boon Siang of St Anthony’s Primary School (SAPS) was one of nine finalists for this year’s President’s Award for Teachers (PAT).

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Staff and Alumni of Catholic Schools Winning National Awards

Various teachers and alumni from Catholic schools throughout Singapore have been recognised with national awards, including Ms Tan Shu Tian of St Anthony’s Primary School, who was one of six teachers who received the Outstanding Youth in Education Award (OYEA) 2022.

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Maria Montessori: The Child is Father to the Man

The Montessori method has become synonymous with excellence in early childhood education. Even secular institutions have implemented the pedagogy of the Italian paediatrician Maria Montessori, who understood that children have an innate drive to learn and develop their interests and talents.

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Kateri Tekakwitha: Lily of the Mohawks

St Kateri Tekakwitha is the first Native American saint. Following a petition by 906 Native Americans and two certified miracles, she was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1980 and canonised by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012.

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Sir Thomas More: Lord Chancellor, Loving Father and Martyr

Although he abided by his conscience and sacrificed an earthly fatherhood, Saint Thomas More’s courageous witness to God’s truth makes him a steadfast spiritual father for time immemorial.

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Humour & Humility: St Philip Neri

A friend of St Ignatius of Loyola, and the founder of the Congregation of the Oratory, known as the Oratorians, St Philip is called the third Apostle of Rome after Sts Peter and Paul.

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2022, Covid-19 and Changes

As the saying goes — change is the only constant. While it is not possible to control external changes, we can work on reducing our internal resistance to change through learning the skills of adaptability.

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May Day: St Joseph the Worker

Being God, Jesus could have chosen to be raised by anyone, at any time in history – a king, a merchant, a doctor, a professor… but He chose a humble carpenter to be His foster father.

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Divine Mercy

While private revelation is not binding on the faithful, God continues to speak directly to us today through heavenly apparitions to the saints. One relatively modern vision was when Jesus appeared to St Faustina Kowalska in the form of the Divine Mercy image.

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The Blessed Sacrament: Jesus’ Gift of Love

As Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, usually falls within the month of April, this month is dedicated to the Most Blessed Sacrament.

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St Joseph, Foster Father of God

March is the Month of St Joseph, whose feast is celebrated on the 19th. As the protector of the Holy Family, he became a patron of the Universal Church, as proclaimed by Pope Pius IX on 8 December 1847.

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St Katharine Drexel: Multi-Millionaire Servant of the Marginalised

Can a millionaire become a saint? Yes. God calls everyone to be a saint – it is probably more difficult for those who are attached to earthly things like wealth and prestige, but Katharine’s rich parents taught her to find her real treasure in the kingdom of Heaven.

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The Chair of Peter

Today’s feast celebrates the establishment of the Catholic (Universal) Church when Christ said to Simon Bar-Jonah: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

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Month of the Holy Family

February is the month dedicated to the Holy Family, which is quite apt for those of us who celebrate Chinese New Year, which usually falls within this month too.

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The Dumb Ox

St Thomas Aquinas is known as the Angelic Doctor and the Universal Teacher. By his lifelong obedience to God, Aquinas shows the ultimate goal of all our studies and work – to give glory to God and assist in the salvation of souls.

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Angela Merici, Foundress of the Ursulines

St Angela Merici’s life is a testament to the good which can flourish when a single person assents to God’s calling, becoming a flame which lights other candles, causing a cascade of love throughout space and time.

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Outgoing CHIJ Katong Convent Principal: God Has a Plan for Everything

After eight years of service as CHIJ Katong Convent’s principal, Ms Patricia Chan has taken on a new posting at the Ministry of Education (MOE). Read her story as she reflects on her time in the CHIJ family.

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Parents: How to Address Youth Mental Health

Youth, in general, lead challenging lives full of commitments and fast-paced activities. Because of these, there seems to them very little time for self-care. This is where family support is essential.

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Advent: The Coming of the Lord

Just as we prepare for the glorious joy of Easter with Lenten fasting and penance, so do we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ with the quiet contemplation of Advent.

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Exemplary Teacher: St Albert the Great

You have most likely heard of St Thomas Aquinas, who wrote the Summa Theologiae. But do you know he was taught by St Albertus Magnus – Albert the Great?

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Unity in Diversity: The Feast of St John Lateran

In school, we are often assigned group work, to learn how to cooperate with others in producing a unified piece of work. Unity was also Jesus’ prayer for his followers.

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John Paul II & the Importance of Friendship

For many who graduate from school, what endures beyond the grades and accolades is friendship. True friends help each other grow in virtue, knowledge and maturity.

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Celebrating the Jubilee of Blessed Nicolas Barré

This evening, the Infant Jesus Sisters invite everyone to join in the celebration of Holy Mass commemorating the 400th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Nicolas Barré.

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The Rosary: A Sanctifying Repetition

In school, teachers often repeat learning points so that they will sink into our heads. As we study at home, we memorise and exercise knowledge through repetition. The same principle applies in the spiritual life.

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Catholic Education Sunday Homily – Part 3: God With Us

There are too many attractions, distractions, temptations and different ways of living that can take us far away from God and living in God’s ways. But God is indeed near, and God will help us.

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The Art of Compassionate Accompaniment

Mother Mary, the first disciple of Christ from the moment He was incarnated in her womb, is the pre-eminent example of compassion, the ability to suffer with another person.

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Catholic Education Sunday Homily – Part 2: Who Are We?

“Who do you say I am?” is also a question we ask each other. I wonder what Jesus would say to you and me if we dare to ask Him the same question, “Jesus, who do you say I am?”

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Catholic Education Sunday Homily – Part 1: Who Is Jesus?

“Who do you say I am?” Jesus asks His disciples this question in today’s Gospel. Jesus asks us the same question in our prayer, when we are on retreat, in the best and worst times we have, and even when we act wisely or foolishly. I wonder what your answer and my answer will be.

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Catholic Education Sunday 2021: The Blessing Virtual Choir

St Magdalene wrote that the Daughters of Charity are to be “detached from everything… and ready for the divine service and to go anywhere, even to the remotest Country.” Canossa Children and Community Services (Canossaville) continues the mission began by St Magdalene in Italy two centuries ago.

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Canossian Village Celebrates 80th Anniversary

St Magdalene wrote that the Daughters of Charity are to be “detached from everything… and ready for the divine service and to go anywhere, even to the remotest Country.” Canossa Children and Community Services (Canossaville) continues the mission began by St Magdalene in Italy two centuries ago.

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The Assumption: Following in the Footsteps of Christ

The name of today’s feast comes from the Latin “assumptionem”, meaning to be taken up or received. Mary, as the Ark of the New Covenant, having borne the Word of God, the Lawgiver and the Bread of Life in her womb, is taken up to Heaven by God upon her death (Revelation 11:19).

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Transfigured: Our True Identity

Today is the Solemnity of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, when Jesus gave His three closest disciples a peek at His divinity, a confirmation of His identity as the Messiah. Universalis notes: “The true miracle of the Transfiguration is not the shining face or the white garments, but the fact that for the rest of the time Jesus hid His glory so well.”

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Address of Archbishop William Goh at CEC2021 – Part 5: Life-giving School Communities

Following a successful Catholic Education Conference 2021, we are proud to present a five-part series based on Archbishop William Goh’s address at the conference. In part 5, we contemplate how to build supportive school communities which provide meaning and comfort for students, especially in their times of trial.

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Address of Archbishop William Goh at CEC2021 – Part 4: A Gift from God

Following a successful Catholic Education Conference 2021, we are proud to present a five-part series based on Archbishop William Goh’s address at the conference. In part 4, we focus on how Catholic schools can provide a space for encountering the Divine.

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The Sacred Heart as a Model for Teachers

Turn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for strength and inspiration as we share love the infinite love of God in our schools.

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Tips for Stay-Home June Holidays

With all the COVID restrictions, your family might be going a tad stir-crazy these holidays! Here are some suggestions to maintain peace and harmony at home despite cabin fever.

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Address of Archbishop William Goh at CEC2021 – Part 3: Parents’ Hopes and Dreams

Following a successful Catholic Education Conference 2021, we are proud to present a five-part series based on Archbishop William Goh’s address at the conference. In part 3, we reflect on parents’ expectations of a Catholic education for their children.

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ACCS to Lead Catholic200SG Intercessory Prayer Session

Start the June holidays the best way possible—in prayer! On Tuesday, 1 June, from 8pm to 9pm, the ACCS will be leading an intercessory prayer session on Zoom, in conjunction with Catholic200SG, celebrating two hundred years of Catholicism in Singapore.

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“Zoom in His Room” Keeping Students Connected to Christ During HBL

Saint Max, the video production arm of the Archdiocese Communications Office, is producing a series of short videos meant for Catholic schools and parents to use freely in this season of Home-Based Learning (HBL).

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Address of Archbishop William Goh at CEC2021 – Part 2: Encountering God

Following a successful Catholic Education Conference 2021, we are proud to present a five-part series based on Archbishop William Goh’s address at the conference. In part 2, we consider how our Catholic schools facilitate a relationship with God.

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Archbishop’s Prayer for Our Catholic Schools

A prayer for our schools, educators and students composed by His Grace Archbishop William Goh.

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Uplifting students the Montfortian way

Besides focusing on the pursuit of human and academic excellence, The Assumption Pathway School (APS) celebrates the full power of its founding mission and principles of inclusive education to contribute to the community and uplift the disadvantaged.

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Charting new pathways, serving with love

St Anthony’s Canossian Secondary School (SACSS) has marked 140 years of education serving not only those who are poor financially, but also those who are marginalised and poor in spirit. Since 1989, the school has lived out its foundress St Magdalene of Canossa’s charism of inclusion so that every girl can achieve her fullest potential.

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Address of Archbishop William Goh at CEC2021 – Part 1: Our Blessed Inheritance

Following a successful Catholic Education Conference 2021, we are proud to present a five-part series based on Archbishop William Goh’s address at the conference. In part 1, we recall the legacy of our Catholic schools’ founders, the missionaries who sacrificed everything to answer God’s call to bring the Gospel to the ends of the Earth, serving our local community by providing quality education and human formation.

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Little Shepherds’ Schoolhouse Open House

If you’re thinking of putting your little ones to pre-school, join Little Shepherds’ Schoolhouse at their open house this Saturday! Little Shepherds’ Schoolhouse (LSS) family of pre-schools offer authentic learning experiences, built upon the Education in Virtue® programme.

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Homily of Fr Adrian Danker SJ at the Catholic Education Conference 2021

At the Catholic Education Conference 2021, Fr Adrian Danker SJ invited us to celebrate Catholic education, know the goodness of God, and share the good news that we are in God’s holy presence.

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Creating with God through Education

Through our creative natures, we participate in the salvific work of God, restoring His creation to what it was meant to be. God created a universe based on logic and natural laws, which we are able to discern through our intellects.

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Encountering God through Education

Through teaching and learning, praying and playing, and growing up and becoming wiser, God encounters everyone in school, regardless of race, language or religion, in myriad ways to shape our lives for better.

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Celebrating God’s Gift of Education

The 2021 Catholic Education Conference happening on 15 March centres on celebrating God’s presence in our lives, particularly through His gift of education.

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Homily of Archbishop William Goh at the Commencement of School Year (COSY) Mass

Here is the homily of his grace Archbishop William Goh at the Holy Mass commemorating the Commencement of the School Year, as well as the commissioning of 11 new principals.

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Archbishop Commissions 11 New Catholic School Principals

This year’s Commencement of School Year (COSY) Mass was held at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd on Sunday, 31 January. Archbishop William Goh commissioned eleven newly appointed Principals of Catholic schools and preschools, instructing them to “be the light of truth, justice, freedom and love to all.”

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Assumption Pathway School to Showcase Art Exhibition at National Gallery

National Gallery Singapore is collaborating with Assumption Pathway School (APS) this year for their annual student art show, from 9-15 October. Entitled “Icon”, the week-long exhibition will showcase over 20 artworks inspired by Singapore and Southeast Asian artists from the National Collection.

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Being Thankful for Catholic Education

Catholic Education Sunday 2020 was celebrated with a special livestream of mass this past Sunday, 13 September 2020. Listen to the homily by Rev Fr Adrian Danker SJ, Principal of St Joseph’s Institution:

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Remembering Sr. Deirdre O’Loan, IJ

The Infant Jesus Sisters would like you to join them in celebrating Sr. Deirdre’s Memorial Mass on the feast of the Assumption of our Lady on 15 August 2020 at 9am. Come and be united with Sr. Deirdre in prayer and love.

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Essentially For You

By Seminarian Eugene Chan, former teacher in a non-Catholic mission school. And Jesus came and said to them, “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe […]

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Adjusting from ‘Circuit Breaker Mode’ to Ordinary Time

By Adeline Low and Fr Edward Seah Soon after we welcomed the New Year and even before our first term break, our world entered a very unusually challenging time. We have yet to fully recover from it. COVID 19, which became a pandemic, continues to affect us all with no regards for social status, race, […]

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Catholic Education Sunday 2019: A celebration of Many Gifts and One Mission

The Catholic Church here in Singapore commemorated Catholic Education Sunday on the weekend of September 14 & 15 this year. A total of 31 schools participated at 50 masses in some 26 churches. It was an opportunity for a tripartite expression of communion between school, parish and home which saw students, school staff and parent […]

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AM/OM Yearly workshop cum learning journey

Administration Managers and Operation Managers provide important support and service in our schools. As part of our effort to acknowledge their work and contribution, the yearly workshops cum learning journeys have been organized to give our AMs and OMs an opportunity to recharge and renew themselves. We believe that wellness is important and that we […]

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ACCS 2019 Brisbane Study Trip: A Summary of Learning Experiences

By Karen Albuquerque (CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace)   Pre-trip Reflection This is my first year as a principal in a Catholic school. My personal educational and work experience have taken me through a few Catholic all-girls schools over a total of 23 years (10 years as a student, 10 years as a teacher […]

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Christ Be Our Light! – Mass For Commencement Of School Year 2019

The Catholic education fraternity gathered at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd on Sun on 27 Jan to mark the Commencement of School Year 2019. After Archbishop William Goh commissioned the 7 newly appointed principals, 10 retired Principals passed lighted candles to all our Catholic school leaders, as a symbol of passing them the Light […]

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ACCS 2018 Brisbane Study Trip: A Summary of Learning Experiences

By Sarah Chin The study trip covers 7 schools over 5 days with an emphasis to learn about Religious Education in Brisbane schools. Catholic identity and values In general, all schools have a visible Catholic identity in their environmental setting, the classrooms have sacred spaces where religious items are placed; outdoor settings have crosses or […]

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Reconnect, Reflect and Refresh: AM & OM Day of Recollection at Agape Village

On 12 June 2018, ACCS organised a Day of Recollection cum Learning Journey for the Operations and Administrative Managers of Catholic schools here in Singapore. An annual event since 2010, the Day of Recollection (DOR) is in appreciation of the managers’ unique contribution to their respective schools and to the larger Catholic community, a platform […]

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Mass for Commencement of School Year 2018

This year, 6 principals have been newly appointed to head our Catholic schools and pre-schools. ACCS invites all educators to join us in a Mass to commemorate the occasion and to pray for all our Catholic schools and pre-schools. The event will take place at 2.00pm on Saturday, 20 January 2018 at the Cathedral of […]

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Remembering Br John Lek FMS

“All to Jesus through Mary, all to Mary for Jesus” was the motto of St Marcellin Champagnat, founder of Marist Brothers, a religious community which follows Jesus in the way that Mary did. One of the important feast days of the Blessed Mother Mary, “Our Lady of Guadalupe”, is celebrated on 12 Dec. It is […]

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It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The Christmas light-up at Orchard Road signals the start of shopping frenzy for gifts, new clothes, decorations and the like. It is such an exciting period especially when you think of your loved ones and consider what gift they may want to receive this Christmas. Hustle and bustle before Christmas You pull your hair out […]

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Sneak Peak: Mini-Exhibition at Selected Parishes Celebrating 165 years of Catholic Education in Singapore

Here’s a sneak preview of what will be on show at some parishes during the upcoming Catholic Education weekend on 8-9 September:

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Passing on the Light: Celebrating 165 years of Catholic Education in Singapore

Message from Council of Catholic Schools’ Principals for Catholic Education Sunday 45, 624 students in Catholic schools, regardless of race, language or religion, 19 Catholic preschools and kindergartens, 16 Catholic primary schools, 13 Catholic secondary schools, 4 Catholic Full schools, 1 Catholic junior college and 1 Catholic school for special education. In Singapore, Catholic schools […]

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Commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima

In commemoration of the Centennial Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, six statues blessed by Pope Francis on 11 January 2017, as the “International Centennial Pilgrimage Image of Our Lady of Fatima”, are travelling throughout the six continents, re-echoing Our Blessed Mother’s Appeal for PRAYER and REPARATION to preserve world peace and the sanctuary of […]

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Annual Gathering of Administration and Operations Managers

Barely two months after assuming her Administration Manager (AM) post, Ms Lyndia Lin took the opportunity to attend AM/OM Recollection and Learning Journey on 5 June together with nine other AM/ Operations Manager (OM) from six different Catholic schools. She appreciated how the event could gather AMs/OMs from Catholic schools together to share their challenges […]

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School Chaplaincy Team Formation: A Participant’s Sharing

By Susan Ng-Thian, parent-volunteer The School Chaplaincy Team Formation was held over three mornings from 19-21 April. As I am currently helping with the mass set-up in my youngest child’s school, St Joseph’s Institution Junior, I was quite interested to find out how the formation will help me in my vocation. The formation course was […]

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Selective Cloth Folding and Stone Moving Easter

By Errol Chang When ice melts and green shoots spring from the ground, a very visible sign of change in season and new life can prompt us to reflect on the changes in our lives. Spring therefore, lends itself nicely to indicate the change from Lenten to Easter season in our liturgical calendar, where the […]

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Catholic Education Conference 2017

By Br Nicholas Seet The third Catholic Education Conference was held at CHIJ Toa Payoh on Monday 14 March 2017 with a huge turnout of about 600 participants consisting of educators from the Catholic kindergartens to Catholic Junior College as well as students and sponsoring authorities, representing some 35 Catholic schools. The theme today was […]

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Eleven Principals Commissioned by Archbishop Goh in 2017

By Errol Chang When Jesus sent out the twelve apostles, he authorised them to be his voice to the world. That is the significance of commissioning ceremony held on 21 January, when 11 principals were commissioned during the Principals’ Commissioning Mass 2017 at the newly restored Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. The 11 principals, sent […]

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Christmas in the Classroom: A Christmas-New Year reflection

By Melissa Dragon As the year 2016 comes to a close, many are seizing the best bargains at “post-Christmas” sales in the malls. Just this afternoon, as I was at the supermarket purchasing some drinks for tonight’s Christmas party, I noticed that the Christmas carols which had been filling the air since October have already […]

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St Brother Solomon: A La Salle Brother, Teacher, Martyr

By Bro Nicholas Seet, FSC Nicolas Leclerq was born in 1745 in the northern coast of France in Boulogne-sur-Mer Boulogne, a major port. His family was well-off and dealt in food and wines. He studied in the same school as his father which was managed by the La Salle Brothers. As a young boy, he […]

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9 questions your students may ask you in school

Any Catholic educator–-especially those teaching in Catholic schools–-will eventually face some tough questions from students regarding the faith. How can we best answer and educate them about the Salvation Story? Here are some frequently asked questions compiled by a teacher from a Catholic school, and some suggested answers for our inquisitive young people. 1. Is […]

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Christ, The Merciful Teacher

In our valiant efforts to impart knowledge to our students, have we been faithful in reflecting Christ’s love and compassion to them? As we celebrate Teacher’s Day in the Year of Mercy, let us ponder on the ways in which we can become merciful and life-giving educators. The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, which began […]

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Through The Eyes Of St Monica

St Monica was born to a Christian family in North Africa in 333 A.D. Married as a young girl to Patritius, a pagan who held an official position in Tagaste, her life was filled with disappointment and trial, for Patritius was a quarrelsome and demanding husband. Faced with daily tensions and difficulties in her unhappy […]

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In Memory Of Sr Deirdre O’Loan IJ

Catholic educators in Singapore, along with the CHIJ family of schools, mourn the loss of Sr Deirdre O’Loan, supervisor of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ) Schools. Sr Deirdre – or “Sister D”, as her students fondly called her – returned to the Lord on the morning of 13 August, Saturday, at 83-years-old. […]

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Turning Struggle into Strength

John Vianney was born in 1786 in Dardilly, France, one of Catholic farmers Matthieu and Marie Vianney’s six children. He grew up in the anticlerical ‘Reign of Terror’ during the French Revolution, marked by the infamous mass guillotine executions. Priests were on the run and celebrated Mass stealthily. Young John Vianney regarded these priests as […]

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Three precious lessons from St Martha

Martha was amongst the closest friends of Jesus, and was mentioned in the Gospels several times (Lk 10:38-42, Jn 11:1-53 and 12:1-9). In our first meeting with Martha, we hear her complain about her sister Mary for not helping her with the preparation of food to welcome Jesus. Next, we read about her sorrow over […]

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A day in the life of… Gerry and Juliana Er

Husband-and-wife teachers with a combined experience of over 60 years, Gerry Er (Holy Innocents High School) and Juliana Teo (St Patrick’s School) talk about what (and who) keeps them motivated in the teaching industry.   How did you both meet, and why did you decide to become teachers? Juliana: We met each other while teaching […]

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Retreat places to recharge the mind and soul

St Thérèse of Lisieux once said, “It is such a folly to pass one’s time fretting, instead of resting quietly in the heart of Jesus.” As educators, we sometimes take it upon ourselves to place the interests of our students before our own, only to struggle with this millstone. We can get too busy to […]

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Celebrating the work of the IJ Sisters

“Do you want to live in community, on the understanding that you will not have any security? You will have enough to live on but only just enough … You must be ready to die by the wayside, abandoned by everybody, and remain in this attitude throughout your life.” This was the question which Father […]

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Five quick tips to tackle exam fever

In a rat race where good grades are far too often equalled to success in life, the heat is turned up not only for students, but teachers as well. Here’s what we can do to beat the exam stress: 1. Recognise Being instruments of change to pupils whom we interact with every day, it is […]

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School Chaplaincy Team training empowers members to reach out to students

In April, ACCS conducted the yearly School Chaplaincy Team (SCT) training for Catholic teachers and members. We look at the highlights of the events, and hear from some of the participants themselves.   The annual ACCS-led training programme for local Catholic School Chaplaincy Teams held its eighth run in April 2016. Over the course of […]

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A day in the life of… Imelda Anthony

We have a chat with Imelda Anthony, who took over as principal at Magdalene’s Kindergarten this year.   What are your new roles and responsibilities in Magdalene’s Kindergarten? My roles and responsibilities are similar as a principal; that is to oversee the curriculum direction, ensure quality standards are being met, and to upgrade staff capability. […]

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Men For Others: Montfort School Celebrates 100 Years

This year, Montfort School celebrates the 100th year of its founding since its inception as Holy Innocents’ English School in 1916. We revisit the school’s rich history as a holistic Catholic institution.   In commemoration of their 100th year, Montfort School is holding a year-long series of celebrations. Beginning with the Anniversary Mass on 16 […]

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Teaching minds and touching hearts: 5 things we can learn from St John Baptist de la Salle

The achievements of the Lasallian schools in Singapore today can be traced back to the efforts laid down by the Brothers of the Christian Schools. The Lasallian Brothers are a religious order first established by the 17th century French priest John Baptist de la Salle. Now widely regarded as a pioneer in modern education, St […]

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Pope John Paul II and Divine Mercy

  Saint John Paul II, born Karol Wojtyła on 18 May 1920, was the longest serving pope of the 20th century. Born in Wadowice, a small city not far from Krakow, the widely-travelled pope is well known for his teachings on Divine Mercy since his election to the papacy in 1978. Throughout his pontificate, the pope […]

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Remembering Fr Robert Balhetchet

  On the morning of 15 March 2016, Tuesday, the Singapore Church lost one of its brightest minds. As we remember Rev Fr (Dr) Robert Balhetchet, former Rector of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, we also examine the lessons we can learn from his service as educators. Fr Robert – or ‘Fr Bob’, as […]

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Being a good man: lessons from St Joseph

  What does it mean to be a man? It is a question running through every boy’s mind in the course of their maturity, and one that defines their identity. It is also, one of the most difficult life questions to answer. Scripture shows us examples of the role of men in God’s plan of […]

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Grace in the midst of trials

Born in Roman Britain on 17 March 387AD, St Patrick is one of the world’s most popular saints. Despite being born in a Christian family, Patrick didn’t really believe in God. It was only after a turn of events that led him to seek out a relationship with the Lord. Let us look at the life […]

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A day in the life of… Woo Soo Min

We catch up with newly appointed principal of Maris Stella High School, Mrs Woo Soo Min (second from left in picture).   What are your new roles and responsibilities in Maris Stella? In what way is this new position different from your previous role? My role and responsibilities as a principal at Maris Stella High […]

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Educators As God’s Shepherds

St Peter was an imperfect man, bestowed with a holy mission to be a shepherd of God’s people. How can educators be shepherds to those under their charge?   In Jewish oral tradition, as Jesus noted in the gospel of Matthew (23:2-3), the Chair of Moses is the symbol of the authority which the scribes […]

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Practicing the virtues of mercy this lenten season

The liturgical season of Lent is upon us again. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Lent is a 40-day period during which we remember Christ’s resilience and faithfulness in the desert. We are called to renew our faith and once again strengthen our relationship with God through prayer. This time presents opportunity for us to examine the […]

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A day in the life of… Ignatius Lee

Ignatius Lee has been a teacher for over five years, and handles English, Maths, Science, Social Studies and Religious Education at Montfort Junior School.   Why did you want to be a teacher? My late father was a teacher. I was also influenced when I joined a mission group, Acts29, back in 2004. The works […]

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Commissioning of three new principals in the Jubilee Year of Mercy

Archbishop William Goh commissioned three new principals of Catholic schools at a special mass on Saturday, 23 January 2016. Over one hundred educators, students, principals and friends and relatives of the new principals – Rev Fr (Dr) Adrian Danker, SJ (St Joseph’s Institute), Mrs Woo Soo Min (Maris Stella High School) and Ms Imelda Anthony […]

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Six steps to great new year’s resolutions for Catholic educators

At the start of every new year, people come up with resolutions in order to improve their habits and the way they do things. But as time goes by, we often give up because they are too difficult or unrealistic to keep to. It is useful to reflect on the past year and pinpoint the […]

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Christ’s birth: True, Good, Beautiful

The commissioners and staff of ACCS wish all our stakeholders and friends a Joyful Christmas. May the peace, joy and love of Jesus — our Emmanuel — be with you this Christmas and throughout the new year. May you have a restful and happy holiday. God bless you!

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Pope Francis’ address during his audience with Representatives of the Catholic Schools Parents’ Association

Here is Pope Francis’ address to representatives of the Catholic Schools Parents’ Association on 5 December 2015. Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am pleased to welcome you all, representatives on the Catholic Schools Parents’ Association, on the occasion of the 40 years of your foundation. You are here, not only to be confirmed in your […]

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RE Coordinators and Chaplaincy team members gather for a time of fellowship

On 17 November, the chaplains and Religious Education (RE) coordinators of Catholic schools gathered at the Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre (CAEC) for a time of fellowship with fellow educators. An engaging session was conducted by former RE educator, Mrs Patricia Lee. The teachers were also briefed about various events ACCS has planned for 2016. They […]

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A day in the life of… Sr Agatha Tan IJ

Many students over past decades still remember the impact Sr Agatha Tan IJ made in their lives. From feeding and clothing poor students, to offering a hug to a student in her desparate moments, Sr Agatha has truly been more than a teacher. She shares more about her life and work as an educator.   […]

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Pope John Paul II on the school’s role in catechesis

The following is from Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation Catechesi Tradendae, given this day, 16 October, in 1979. 69. Together with and in connection with the family, the school provides catechesis with possibilities that are not to be neglected. In the unfortunately decreasing number of countries in which it is possible to give education […]

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A day in the life of… Br Nicholas Seet FSC

Br Nicholas Seet, a Lasallian brother for nearly 30 years, is a Subject Head for Citizenship and Character Education, and also teaches History, Social Studies, and Religious Citizenship and Character Education at St Patrick’s Secondary School. He shares more about his life and calling to be a religious educator.   What are some difficulties in […]

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Almost a hundred educators benefit from REAP workshop

On 10 August, the religious education services team from the Brisbane Catholic Education Office (BCEO) returned to Singapore to conduct the Religious Education Training Programme (REAP) Workshop. A team of six senior education officers flew from Australia to deliver the workshop, a third run in Singapore, on Saturday, 15 August at the Catholic Junior College, […]

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Address of Pope Francis to Students in Cuba

Unprepared remarks of the Holy Father given at the Fr Félix Varela Cultural Center, Havana on the occasion of his visit to Cuba on 20 September 2015.   You are standing up and I am sitting. How rude! But you know why I am sitting; it is because I was taking notes on some of […]

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Remembering the Identity of a Teacher

Msgr Ambrose Vaz reaffirms Catholic educators of their important role and identity at this year’s Teacher’s Day Mass.   Nearly 200 Catholic educators, staff, family, and friends once again gathered to commemorate Teachers’ Day, at a specially organised Mass held on 12 September. Organised annually by the Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools (ACCS), the Eucharistic […]

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Teachers Day 2015 – Homily

By Msgr Ambrose Vaz   Dear teachers and friends, we come to celebrate this Mass today, not so much as to celebrate a day – Teacher’s Day – but more to celebrate a vocation – a call from God – to teach. The success of our mission, how we carry out our vocation, depends very […]

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Catholic Preschools’ educators take part in special Teachers Day celebrations

The inaugural combined Catholic Preschools Teacher’s Day celebration was held on 4 September 2015 at the Yio Chu Kang Grassroots Club from 9am to 2pm, attended by Preschool teachers and principals. These 114 educators participated actively in games and dance activities organised by the staff of St Anne’s Church Kindergarten and Nativity Church Kindergarten. Mrs […]

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The Birth of Mary

Why is the birthday of our Lady so special, and what can educators learn from this special event?   In a single liturgical year in the Catholic Church, there are feasts for nearly every aspect of Mary’s life; her Queenship, her Immaculate Heart, her Assumption, the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Immaculate Conception. And on 8 […]

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A day in the life of… Sr Assunta Cheng FMM

Literally leaving everything behind, Sr Assunta Cheng left her hometown in Taiwan nearly seven years ago to serve with the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM) in Singapore. She shares her experience being involved as a spiritual counsellor in Holy Innocent’s High School and St Gabriel’s Primary.   What are some of the difficulties in your […]

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Canossian schools choir perform at interfaith concert to mark SG50

Our Canossian schools — St Anthony’s Canossian Primary and Secondary, Canossa Convent Primary and the Canossian School for the hearing impaired — made up a 180-strong combined choir to perform in an interfaith concert celebrating SG50. They sang Let There Be Peace on Earth at the concert titled Harmony in Diversity, celebrating religious and racial […]

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St Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises for Educators

How is it that the reflections and prayers of a man in a cave hundreds of years ago, continues to offer important and relevant lessons for educators today?   On 31 July each year, the Catholic Church commemorates the memorial of St Ignatius of Loyola, one of the most famous Saints of the Church. He […]

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A day in the life of… Br John Lek FMS

The main calling of the Marist brothers is education, and this was exactly where Br John Lek FMS has been serving God since taking his vows more than 50 years ago. He shares some of his experiences and lessons learnt over the years.   What are your roles and responsibilities as a religious involved in […]

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The Joy of Catholic Education

Over a hundred students and teachers from Catholic schools were involved in special performances at the recent SG50 Thanksgiving Mass. They share how in their participation, they have discovered the beauty of being a Catholic School.   The recent SG50 Thanksgiving Mass that took place at the Singapore Indoor Stadium has certainly helped put Catholic […]

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Chasing a Life Worthwhile

St Benedict was young, wealthy, and healthy at the time he decided to step back away from the world to pursue what he thought mattered most. Do parents and teachers value the same things today?   On 11 July, the Church commemorated the life of St Benedict of Nursia, one of the most well-known and […]

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Pope Francis’ address during his Meeting with Educators at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador

Given at Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador on the occasion of his visit to Ecuador on 7 July 2015.   My Brother Bishops, Father Rector, Distinguished Authorities, Dear Professors and Students, Dear Friends, I am very happy to be here with you this afternoon at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, which for almost sixty […]

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A day in the life of… Sr Delphine Kang RGS

Sr Delphine Kang RGS is the supervisor of Marymount Convent School.   What are your roles and responsibilities at Marymount Convent? As supervisor in the only Good Shepherd School in Singapore, I ensure the school is on track in its mission, “reaching out with compassion and respect and empowering each person to develop her full […]

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Sts Peter & Paul: Faithful Courage, Zealous Love

Amidst the important, amazing, and inspiring acts of faith that Sts Peter and Paul have done in their lives, two simple aspects of these saints are in fact more than enough for educators to draw inspiration from.   Sts Peter and Paul are arguably two of the most important and well-known saints of the Catholic […]

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Join Archbishop William Goh in praying for our Catholic schools!

Archbishop William Goh’s prayer intention for June 2015 is for Catholic schools: “That Catholic educators will be more courageous in the proclaimation of the Gospel as they form young people in truth and love; that the Catholic Ethos to be strengthened in our Catholic schools.” Please make a mention for this intention when you pray […]

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Proclaiming the Word: Telling Bible stories to young children

Over dramatisation of any scripture text is never a good idea especially when you want to create the understanding that God speaks through his word. However, when telling Bible stories to young children, some emphasis and additional inflection may be needed for better grasp of the story and for greater engagement. The teacher’s personal preparation […]

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The Catholic school at the heart of the Church

The complexity of the modern world makes it all the more necessary to increase awareness of the ecclesial identity of the Catholic school. It is from its Catholic identity that the school derives its original characteristics and its “structure” as a genuine instrument of the Church, a place of real and specific pastoral ministry. The […]

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Archdiocese warns against #CharlieCharlieChallenge

The Archdiocese of Singapore has released the following statement on the viral “#CharlieCharlieChallenge”: “From time immemorial, people have always had an interest in or fascination for the spiritual realm, whether it be deities or demons. Human beings have a natural curiosity to know the future, to acquire special powers and knowledge, and many would take much […]

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10 June Holiday Activities for Teachers to Recharge

Teaching can be notoriously difficult and draining on the soul. Take some time during the June holidays to explore these 10 guaranteed ways a teacher can recharge spiritually, emotionally, and physically!     10. Live a day of tech detox. No phones, no computers, no TVs, no internet, no technology. Like all our precious smart […]

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Cardinal Vincent Nichols’ homily during his Installation as first Chancellor of St Mary’s University, UK

Given at Westminster Cathedral at Vespers on the occasion of his installation as inaugural Chancellor of St Mary’s University, Twickenham, on 27 May 2015   This is a wonderfully formal ceremony, rich in content and significance. Perhaps for the next few minutes I can be a little less formal and a little more personal. It […]

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A day in the life of… Geraint Wong

Geraint Wong teaches English Language at CHIJ Secondary.   Why did you want to be a teacher? I’ve always found joy in nurturing and developing young people. Plus, after giving tuition and doing relief teaching during my university days, I found I had the gift of explaining things clearly, so teaching became a natural path […]

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Mary, our mother and teacher

As we end the month Mary, let us reflect and remind ourselves again of the important lessons Our Lady teaches us by her example.   The special dedication of the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary has long been a tradition of the Catholic Church, where the faithful engage in more fervent and […]

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Living as Spirit-filled educators

As we celebrate Pentecost, let us remember the gits that God freely blesses us with, and what they mean for us as educators and parents.   Have you ever been so absorbed in the busyness of life that you forgot to open a gift? Perhaps a Christmas present you only opened after the New Year? […]

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Pope Francis: Parents must “re-assume fully their educational role”

At his General Audience yesterday, Pope Francis encouraged parents to not “exile themselves from the education of their children”, but to take responsibility of educating their children, in partnership with schools and teachers. Continuing his weekly catechesis on the family, the Holy Father focused on the importance of the education of children, “an essential characteristic […]

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Newly canonised St Ghattas fought to eradicate illiteracy

Pope Francis‬ canonised four ‪nuns‬ this past Sunday. One of them is Sister Marie Alphonsine Danil Ghattas‬, born in ‪Jerusalem‬ in 1847. St Ghattas opened girls’ schools, fought for female illiteracy, and co-founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Rosary, an order that boasts dozens of centres all over the Middle East today, operating […]

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Mr Bernard Chen, Requiescat in Pace

We at the Archdiocesan Commission of Catholic Schools (ACCS), send our deepest condolences to the family of Mr Bernard Chen Tien Lap.  Mr Chen was the Chairman of ACCS from 2005 to 2011. He had served the cause of Catholic education for 17 years beginning in 1994 with the Catholic Schools Task force, which became […]

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Begin ‘personal training for the soul’: Fr Gleeson

In his short meetings with school supervisors, school management committee members, chaplains and parent volunteers, Jesuit Fr Christopher Gleeson emphasised the need for faith formation. Just as people have personal trainers for the body, there needs to be “personal training for the soul”, he stressed. “The riches of our Catholic faith lie in our spiritual […]

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Talk about Christ with our students!

At the 2015 Catholic Education Conference, Archbishop Goh and Jesuit priest exhorted educators to point to the source of Catholic values and talk about the stories of their Religious founders. Catholic News reporter Mel Diamse-Lee sat in.   Archbishop William Goh challenged educators to speak of the source of values, Christ, to their students during […]

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CEC2015 aims to increase understanding of the character of Catholic schools

In a multi-cultural, technologically advanced and increasingly globalised Singaporean society today, what role does the Catholic school play and how do you define its Catholic character? To continue empowering leaders and staff of Catholic schools in Singapore, the Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools (ACCS) and the second Catholic Education Conference (CEC) organising committee have chosen […]

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Four New Principals of Catholic Schools Commissioned

Four new principals of Catholic schools in Singapore were commissioned by Archbishop William Goh on Saturday, 24 January 2015, in a special commissioning mass organised by the Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools (ACCS). The new principals are Mr Wilbur Wong, Montfort Junior School; Mr Mark Gerard Minjoot, Montfort Secondary School, Mdm Soh Lai Leng, Catholic […]

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Principals’ Commissioning 2015 – Homily

By Archbishop William Goh   All three readings of this Sunday’s reading focuses on the call, a vocation in life. Every one of us is called to a particular purpose in life. In the first reading, we have Jonas who was called to preach to the Ninevites to repent and save them from disaster. In […]

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St Vincent Pallotti: From Dimwit to Light of the World

Today in the Roman Martyrology, we commemorate St Vincent Pallotti, a Saint much less well-known than the likes of Francis of Assisi or Maria Goretti, but nevertheless has much to offer us for reflection. In his records the life of Vincent Pallotti, the great English priest and hagiographer Alban Butler makes it a point to […]

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Children and Reverence in Church: A Workshop with Dr Margaret Carter

Behaviour-change specialist Dr Margaret Carter once again afforded us her time and expertise when she held a workshop at the Church of St Ignatius for catechists on children and reverence in Church. During the workshop, Dr Carter discussed behavioural expectations for children, and shared the processed by which children learned how to behave. She exhorted […]

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‘Integrated Curriculum’ offered to preschools, childcare centres

More than 130 educators and managers, including religious supervisors, from 12 Catholic preschools and childcare centres met for their annual Thanksgiving Day on 27 Dec. The gathering, held at St Anne’s Church Kindergarten, is now in its fourth year and is an occasion for building communion as well as sharing best practices. During the event, […]

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Thanks for everything Wendy!

After six years of dedication to the Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools (ACCS) and its development, our Executive Director, Wendy Louis, will step down today, 9 December. It has certainly been a challenging calling to guide the ACCS in its duty – to foster a stronger Catholic ethos amongst Catholic schools in Singapore. However taking […]

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Teachers Day 2014 – Homily

By Msgr Ambrose Vaz   My dear friends, the occasion of the feast of the holy cross indeed provides a very good backdrop for our celebration of teacher’s day. You know as teachers very often, you will use something as a kind of visual aid in order to bring out a message. And today when […]

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Bringing Bible stories to life

The Gospels provide authentic narratives about Jesus while picture storybooks, for example, can be a combination of narratives and interpretations of a particular story. It is paramount to use the Bible as the main resource and other forms of media as supplementary resources. Bible reading also brings the Word closer to the children. In teaching […]

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Educators attend workshops on inculcating values in students

Social behaviour and values are not innate in children but must be intentionally taught by adults who deliberately model them and use the learning environment and its systems and routines to scaffold and support their learning. Learning appropriate social behaviour and values is fundamental to the well-being and to the academic achievement of children. How […]

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Archbishop William Goh’s Pastoral Letter on the Catholic Church’s Position on Sexuality

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Some of you may have heard or read about the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Sexuality posted on the Health Promotion Board (HPB) website. I want to assure you that our non-public engagement of the opposing groups on this issue is by no means evidence of our flight […]

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A day in the life of… Ng U-Lynn

Ng U-Lynn, an Art teacher in St Gabriel’s Secondary School, shares a day with us.   A book with a prayer for every day of the year (“The Power Of A Praying Woman”, by Stormie O’Martian) stands prominently on U-Lynn’s desk, in the staffroom of St Gabriel’s Secondary School. Prayer, in many forms (this prayer […]

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Foundations for Sexuality Education

The following is an extract from the CMECS (Civics and Moral Education for Catholic Schools): Foundations for Sexuality Education Programme, created by the Family Life Society (FLS) in collaboration with ACCS.   The prevalent perspective on sexuality says “I am free to do what I want (with my body) provided I don’t hurt anyone” and […]

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Teachers get fresh ideas at Australian-led course

Catholic educators who took part in a training programme run by a team from Brisbane, Australia, said they gained much from it. The course “introduced to me the many strategies we can adapt, e.g. using colours, mind scaffolding, music, art and dance, and using all the wonderful things of God’s creation to aid us in […]

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A day in the life of… Nick Chui

Nick Chui, 35, does not teach in a Catholic school, but that does not change his purpose and calling.   Why did you want to be a teacher? What were you doing before becoming a teacher? I was involved in delivering presentations on sexuality education and writing articles explaining and if necessary defending Catholic teaching […]

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Archbishop Nicholas Chia’s message on Sexuality Education in Catholic schools

Dear Principals, Vice-Principals and Heads of Department in our Catholic Schools, Greetings for the New Year! My prayers and blessings on all of you as you begin a new academic year. On the occasion of the World Day for Peace on January 1st our Pope Benedict has dedicated his message to peace which he connects closely […]

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Pope Benedict XVI’s address to pupils (UK, 2010)

As part of the Papal Visit to the UK in 2010, Pope Benedict XVI visited St Mary’s University in Twickenham. There, he met 3,500 school children and students to celebrate Catholic education at ‘The Big Assembly’ event. This was the speech the Holy Father gave to the students.   Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, […]

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Pope Benedict XVI’s address to teachers and religious (UK, 2010)

As part of the Papal Visit to the UK in 2010, Pope Benedict XVI visited St Mary’s University in Twickenham. There, in the first event of the day the Holy Father prayed with representatives of religious congregations, including those who have a charism for education and the history of education, in the University Chapel.   […]

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