Catholic Education Many Gifts, One Mission WHY CHOOSE A CATHOLIC EDUCATION Learn more about our schools. EXPLORE OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Quote To provide students with an integral education, a Catholic school must foster love for wisdom and truth, and must integrate faith, culture and life.
– Archbishop J. Michael Miller

The Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools (ACCS) works with Catholic schools to strengthen the Catholic ethos in their communities, and support the religious, civics and moral education these schools provide.

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The 5 wounds of Christ and the 5 marks of Catholic schools by Michelle Tan

This June, the Church gives us two great feasts celebrating the amazing love of Christ for all of us: theSolemnities of the Body and Blood of Christ or Corpus Christi on June 2, and the Solemnity of the Most SacredHeart of Jesus on June 7. During this June school holidays, 13th century Franciscan St. Bonaventure […]

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Experiencing God’s Grace: The Mystery of the Holy Mass By Fr Shaun Lim

In the Gospel of John chapter 6, we hear how Jesus would feed the five thousand with five barley loavesand two fish. This miracle is also found in the synoptic gospels. But a detail unique to John’s Gospel (not found inthe other gospels) is that the offering of bread and fish was said to be […]

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Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin

Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin was a teacher and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Anne, which focused on educating poor country children, both girls and boys in the same schools, challenging traditional gender norms and promoting education for all. … Source: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Early years Marie-Anne Blondin was born Esther Blondin […]

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Embracing God’s Graces in the Teaching Vocation By Marie Therese Pang

Marie Therese Pang reflects on how our teaching profession is a life-giving one, and how God’s unconditional love is an invitation and a model to us, to love and value our students in the same way. … The greatest joy of teaching comes from the personal connections formed with my students. It gives me great […]

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Revisiting the Sacrament of Reconciliation By – Fr Joseph Stephen CSsR

In Singapore, we are very blessed to have Penitential Services organised in all parishes and Catholic schools. Rev Fr Joseph Stephen, CSsR, parish priest of the Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Ipoh, Malaysia laments on the dwindling numbers of children and youth who present themselves for confessions during Lent. … Lent is here […]

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A New Beginning By Kelvin Koh

Forgiveness. A new beginning. A clean slate. As we enter the second month of 2024, and also prepare for the upcoming Lunar New Year, perhaps we too can challenge ourselves to forgive … Ralph looked up in disbelief at what he had heard. Could this be his chance for change? After five years in the […]

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Faith Formation

Reflection on Cardinal’s Homily by Jonathan Hee of CJC

Cardinal’s homily during the Commencement of School Year Mass struck me when he spoke about leaders teaching with their being. He referenced Moses and how he journeyed, suffered, and tolerated the people of Israel throughout their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. Moses even offered himself to take punishment from God for the wrongful […]

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Homily: Listen

“…listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts” (Psalm 95.8) These words are in fact from the responsorial psalm on 10 September 2023, the day our diocese celebrated Catholic Education Sunday. Whether we are a student or an educator, a parent or a parishioner, they remind us whose voice must ultimately matter to us: the […]

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Commencement of School Year Homily – Part 3: Servant Leaders

Those of you who are educators, don’t forget to feel for the weakest students. Educators, please, don’t just teach. You need to focus on our Lord. You need to acquire the heart of Jesus, the wisdom of Jesus.

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